Valley Residential Services sincerely thanks the Rasmuson Foundation for the funds necessary to complete Phase I of our computer and data storage project for our organization. The $23,845 received will allow VRS to upgrade and install a new computer and server and equipment for 8 workstations for its housing ans support staff. This will allow …

When successful, collaborations are great. They are rewarding for the people who put them together and for those who use them. And when they are for a good cause, they can be like a godsend. That’s how the new residents of the North Plymouth Circle house feel about their new home. Located in a quiet …

Valley Residential Services would like to thank the MEA Charitable Foundation for their financial support with several projects as we endeavor to provide affordable housing for people with special needs. We encourage all members of MEA to continue to support Operation Roundup as a means to fund the MEA Charitable Foundation. This program automatically rounds …

The Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homelessness will host their annual statewide conference this September 29th thru October 1st at the Westmark Baranof in Juneau. This year’s event will feature three plenary speakers: Sam Tsemberis, the executive director of Pathways to Housing, Inc. of NYC, Bill Hobson exectutive director of the Downtown Emergency Service Center …

Valley Residential Services (VRS) would like to thank all of you who pledged support of our mission to provide affordable housing to people with special needs in the Mat-Su Valley. By designating a donation to us in the Pick. Click. Give. portion of this year’s PFD application, you have helped our effort to bring stabilization …

Valley Residential Services has received a grant from the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Human Services Community Matching Grant Program to fund a project to provide a human services advocate to its staff. This $17,000 grant for FY14 will be used to cover the salary of a staff member to assist with the housing and related services for …

Valley Residential Services (VRS) and co-host Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc. (WASI) wishes to thank the Mat-Su Health Foundation and the United Way Mat-Su for their funding support in helping to bring about the 2nd annual Community Health Fair at the WASI facility Saturday, March 8th. Without their generous support, this public service would not have …

Learn more about this exciting promotion  — the Double Your Dividend Sweepstakes! Ten lucky Alaskans who make a PCG donation before March 31 and release their name from anonymity will win a cash prize equal to the amount of the 2014 dividend. Learn more and get the official sweepstakes rules on the PCG website right …