VRS/WASI Thank the Mat-Su Health Foundation
On behalf of Valley Residential Services (VRS) and the Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc. (WASI) collaboration, and the many area residents who participated in the recent Community Health Fair, we would like to thank the Executive Director, Elizabeth Ripley and the Mat-Su Health Foundation for the funding support for the health education program and the blood tests made available to the public. This event was a joint effort by VRS, WASI and the AK Health Fair, Inc. and took place at the WASI facility on Saturday, March 12th from 8 AM to 12 Noon. During this time we registered and served some 210 persons in the education and exhibit program and conducted some 130 low cost blood tests. This was the best attended event in the 7 year history that we have conducted these health fairs. The Mat-Su Health Foundation has been a supporter every year and this has been a major factor in our ability to continue this effort and has helped produce a healthier Mat-Su. We thank the Mat-Su Health Foundation for their continued support for this important health program.