Angie Mills, Vice President of Operations
Angie Mills began working for Valley Residential Services in February of 2014. She manages the full cycle of the housing development process, from feasibility to occupancy and close-out. She maintains tenant files, manages the housing database, and performs all annual compliance reviews on properties. Angie works closely with the development team on new housing projects. In the most recent two years Angie has worked in conjunction with the venture capital partners on three major senior housing projects. She has worked for Access Alaska (Independent Living Care of Alaska) for three years working with those who experience disabilities and needing to access their community.
Prior to this, Angie worked eight years for Knik Tribal Council’s Housing as a Housing Coordinator in their housing program. Angie has had extensive training with HUD programs and with LIHTC programs and has various certifications including a Site Compliance Specialist Certification and Certified Occupancy Specialist.