Our Mission

On behalf of the VRS Board of Directors, I would like to welcome you to our website! It is the goal of VRS to provide safe, quality and affordable housing to the residents of Alaska. We strive to improve the quality of life to our residents by providing the most basic element of stabilization, a place to call home. We have housing programs for single households, families, seniors and individuals who experience behavioral or developmental disabilities. VRS works with area service providers to provide the valuable supports necessary to help our tenants achieve a successful lifestyle.
Our success would not be possible without the support of many organizations such as Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), State of Alaska, Mat-Su Health Foundation, Rasmuson Foundation, Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority and the local banking community, First National Bank of Alaska, Wells Fargo and Northrim.
Over the last 20 years VRS has developed $50 million in new properties and acquired $5 million in HUD properties. In collaboration with partners, Pacific Companies and Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA), we are planning to manage and develop an additional $50 million property inventory, a total of $100 million dollars of housing programs and over 450 units managed by VRS to serve the Mat-Su Valley.
We look forward to the future!
John Weaver
President and CEO
Organization Timeline
- Incorporated October 15, 1998.
- 501c (3) Not-for-Profit status approved on August 2, 1999.
- Recognized as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) on February 4, 2000.
- Provides nearly 445 units of housing in the Mat-Su Valley for 1000 people.
- Total development includes $40 million in new construction.
- VRS controls over $100 million of property in the Mat-Su Valley.
Learn More About VRS
To learn more about the history and accomplishments of VRS, you can view, download or print the following presentation:
Palmer Whispering Winds Senior Apartments PresentationVRS Powerpoint 2024