The 2014 PFD’s are out and Valley Residential Services (VRS) needs your support. During this Pick. Click. Give. campaign help us continue to provide affordable housing to the special needs people in the Mat-Su Valley. VRS is a non-profit group that provides quality, safe and secure housing to individuals with physical or mental disabilities, of low and very low income, who are homeless, and who are seniors. Housing is the core of stabilization in every person’s life. It is vitally important that everyone have a safe, secure and affordable place to lie their head down at night. It is VRS’s mission to provide that housing to the people who are often at risk and most difficult to house.

Although this housing is generally offered below market rates and is subsidized in some fashion, these funds are fixed and limited while operating costs continue to escalate. And, as government funding sources dwindle and become more competitive and difficult to get, the need for community support to help fill this gap is greatly increasing. We need your support to make sure we can continue to offer the quality of housing and the supportive services to the most vulnerable among us.

So, as you fill out your PFD this year, take a moment and go to the Pick. Click. Give. section and make a donation to Valley Residential Services. Help us continue to provide affordable housing to the special needs people of Mat-Su.



Did you know that you have until August each year to make or modify donations to your favorite Alaska charities through the Pick-Click-Give program? Just log-in to your myAlaska profile and add a donation to VRS now!